my 55g & I are newbies


Howdy everybody, I just want to say hello
and introduce myself to one & all. My name is Tarball, but some of my friends call me cube
why? I have know idea.

Anyway, here's my story. My daughter went out & bought me a 55g aquarium. She's so cool
she's going to college

I'm so proud of her... She said, "Dad"!! build another saltwater aquarium. So that's what I'm going to do.
A reef aquarium is what I'm after, and am very glad i found this place. I've been checking this site out for a few days, and i hope you guys will welcome me into your community. From what i have seen you guys and gals seem to be an outstanding collection of hobbyist that love & enjoy this amazing hobby.
I have a 1000 questions to ask & i plan on asking all of them
so please be patient with my ignorant questions and
lets have a 1000 laughs together.
I'll be talking to ya!

I like all these characters:


There is no stupid questions just stupid people......No just kidding
Welcome and have fun......


Originally Posted by Mace
There is no stupid questions just stupid people......No just kidding
Welcome and have fun......

You're talking about ME, aren't you! I knew the whole Bio-Spira thing would give me a bad rap.


Hello all thanks for the warm welcome.
I’ve decided to post pictures of my very young and very simple sw aquarium.
It’s not much of an aquarium now, but its mine & I like it. I figure I should get
some pictures of it early so I can remember the good old days.
I set this aquarium up a month ago & everything has been running nice and quite hardly a peep out of it. That’s GOOD Yes? I figure the time has come to put
some LR in it. Question: how much LR should I use for tanks first complete cycle?
I have 55 pounds of Crushed Coral & the water salinity is 1.024. I haven’t tested water conditions, I figure its not important yet. Question: Will I have to change
the lights for the LR or will the lights that come with the aquarium work? Are light
necessary for LR? The lights are for a fresh water aquarium and produce very low
to moderate light. Will it be harmful to the Live rock to go 4 or 5 days without the
aquarium lights on?
Sorry about the poor quality of the pictures, I’m using my cell phone camera for the
pictures. I’m planning on picking up a digital camera when I get things up and
running in the aquarium.


It’s easy to see this picture is from the narrow side of the tank: Question..
The tank is 48x12x20. Will I have a problem finding appropriate lighting for this tank.
It’s also easy to see I have Crushed Coral in the tank. I want to keep CC, so what type of cleaning crew will I need for this type of base? Question…Should I add some live sand before I add the live rock?...



Drift fishing many years ago I snagged this lightening whelk with my fish net. I couldn’t believe how large this shell was! I tossed it into the back of my boat for a souvenir. When I got home from fishing I put the lightening whelk in a tree in the backyard to keep it away from my dog. LOL.
I’ll tell you, the snail that was in the shell sure made me pay for bring it home.
It stunk my backyard up “Bad” for over a month! My wife and the dog said!
“ Get that STINKING thing out of here!!.. I managed to fight them off & I got a very cool Lightening Whelk. To those that do not know, a Lightening Whelk is the official
Texas State Shell. This is why I wanted to keep it.



Snorkeling in Cancun Mexico I found a collected group of small brain coral. They were about 75 maybe 100 yds from the shore near a shallow reef that I was admiring at the time. This brain coral appeared dead compared to the others so I grabbed it, gave it a good pull & up it came out of the sand. I couldn’t believe it.
It had a sea fan attached to it, purple in color if I remember correctly. People told
me you’re not allowed to keep the brain coral! Guess what? “ I Did” Ha!...



I purchased this at a suvineir shop in Corpus Christi Texas. The souvenir shop
specialized in shells & I bought it for under $10 bucks. Can someone tell me what it's called?



Active Member
Points on those corals - If you value those corals, you should remove them, because they will get ruined.
And BTW, the people who said don't do it are right
you can get yourself into big trouble by having such a skeleton. There are a lot of rules and regulations and you really don't want to get into it, believe me!
But they will get covered in algae, and ideally you will have a lot of live rock to go in there.
The second coral is probably a species of acropora of some type.


Hi ophiura, thanks for the comment. I'm sure you're correct about the complications of taking the Brain coral. But it was dead & loose. Plus its been over 20 yrs ago.
As far as leaving the corals & shell in the tank, I plan on removing them when i add live rock. Their in there just for decoration for now...