My 60 & 55 gal temporary tanks


Active Member
Per my thread in aquarium, I took down my 125 and moved, and have a 240gal I will be setting up in the future. In the meantime, we sort of played three-card-shuffle with the tanks. My parents had a 60gal reef and a 90gal FO. The 90gal became a reef with their and my corals/reef-fish and my 55gal QT and their 60gal became holding tanks for the fish headed to the 240gal.
The 60gal being only 3 feet, was setup to house all the 'non-swimmers.' My Blueface angel, Rock Beauty, Japanese Golden Hawkfish, Blue Spotted Puffer, and Spiny Burrfish. I definitely aquascaped the tank after a certain 210gal aggressive tank on the other fish board. I forgot what a good dead coral tank looked like and I really like his tank, and the 240 came with some nice skeletons, so I used them.

The 55gal being longer holds the swimmers, my Naso tang and their Lunare wrasse. Also in there is my 6 year old yellow tail damsel, and their White Tailed Pygmy angel. Sorry for the terrible pics, the tank isn't lit the best, and my cybershot doesn't do low lighting very well.

The only fish we weren't able to fit in, was my Lei trigger. My Blueface didn't want him in the 60, not to mention the Burrfish alone puts more load on the 60gal then it should normally have, and the Lunare didn't want him in the 55, so he's in the sump of the 90 reef. I'll have pics of the 90 reef tomorrow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Is that a burrfish you have there?
Indeed. We caught him Mother's Day 2008 at the beach, about the size of a small pea, and has since grown into the 7" bottomless-pit he currently is.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Indeed. We caught him Mother's Day 2008 at the beach, about the size of a small pea, and has since grown into the 7" bottomless-pit he currently is.

Wow! Really? He was smaller than half an inch and he grew to 7 inches?! Has he bitten/eaten any of your corals, fish, or inverts if u have any?


Active Member
Yea, we caught him on the west coast of Florida. Him, two Southern Puffers and about 15 filefish. The puffers handily outgrew the files and moved into a new tank (they all were pinky-nail size when caught). About 3 days later the heater in the files tank crapped out and nuked the tank.
All them together week after collection;
Burrfish about 6 months;
I've never had him with corals or inverts. Hasn't eaten any of the small fish, though he accidentally nipped the hawkfish a couple times. The main problem is he's such a wuss. He really needs to stand his ground with the Blueface, but backs down to easily. Even the little Rock Beauty gets a shot in. Except when he sees what he thinks is food. Then he's determined. The other big catch is disease. He rivals Powder Blues in disease resistance. He's probably been coppered over 7 times. This is the case with most Burrfish it seems.
I took a couple vids of me feeding the 60 tonight. As you'll see in the last vid, often times the Burrfish is more interested in my fingers then the food. It was a close call.
