My 65gal Tank

uk cats

This tank has been in the works for about year and a half now and I think I am almost there with maybe shy a piece or two. Here are my favorites. Thanks for any reply.


uk cats

Hey TriGa22 I will see what I can do about getting a good shot of my clown and I will post that with some full tanks shots. Thanks for the reply. Thanks everyone else too.

uk cats

Matter of fact I am. I have tried Sea Clones and thought they were a big waste of money. I bought a generic brand of a CPR from a LPS and had it spring a leak on the bottom seem. Since this tank has been running I have had the Corallife 65 on it and it pulls some nasty smelling crap out of it. So to answer your question yes I like it better than any others. Also I have had no problems except for some excessive bubbles at first but ended that problem with switching declorinaters.


Active Member
Very, very beautiful. I just love looking at others tanks and how they do them. Yours is simply amazing and very nicely done. Love all the corals and the placement of everything you have done....

uk cats

Debbie the red rock is just Lava rock from a LFS. Real light so = not as expensive as others but has been doing great. Also the darker rock is also Lava but just different color also from LFS. Thanks for your reply. When you get good feed back makes you feel your on the right track doing something right. I see others tanks on here that literally blow mine away and I dont know how people do it because I cry every time my Credit Card bill comes in and I dont have half tied up in my tank like others do. God bless,em. Thanks again