My 75g diary

So i am way excited. My 75 is being driven down as we speak. I will have it tonight. Tomorrow will be the official set-up day. I am kinda bummed cause my reef lights got broken so i am gonna be using just regular light till everything gets going and I'm ready to add corals. So a couple months or so and this tank will be golden. Well actually it more depends on when my money tree blooms again. for some reason its not blooming much right now. i dunno. I will keep an update on here. I will post pictures either tonight or tomorrow when i get it set up.
Ok so I got the tank. Huge drama going on with my family so I couldn't get on here sooner. So the tank needs some work before I start her up. Its a 75g Seaclear system 2. Back in the day before I gave it to my cousin I used the wrong cleaning tools and scratched it up. So now that i have it back I am gonna buff out the scratches and repair it. Also I am gonna kind of ditch the filtering system in the back and drill a whole in the bottom of the first chamber and plumb the tank into a sump. Since the design of the back is the way it is there is still gonna be water in the back so i am still gonna run the pump in the back just to keep the water moving back there. In the middle chamber I am prolly gonna alter it just a hair at the very bottom and make it into a refugium. So yeah, I am way excited. I will post the pics tonight.