My 75gal FOWLR


Active Member
Well the tank is an on going. I wanna get atleast another 50lb of rock. I have a Dragon wrasse, pair of mated clowns, Porcupine puffer, Lawnmower blenny, Sgt major damsel, and a Green Bahama Star



your puffer is so cute, he looks like he's smiling in that pic!
Are the plants real? I'd like to put one smallish one in mine.
what kind of camera are you using? I think i'm gonna break out the plastic and go get a new one!


Active Member
no the plants are fake.
the camera is a
Canon 30D
My lens are
Sigma 70-200 f2.8
Tamron 28-75 f2.8
Sigma 150mm f2.8 macro
Canon 430ex flash


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
no the plants are fake.
the camera is a
Canon 30D
My lens are
Sigma 70-200 f2.8
Tamron 28-75 f2.8
Sigma 150mm f2.8 macro
Canon 430ex flash
That would be why your pics are so great, you have a real camera and obviously know how to use it!


Active Member
yea the lighting kinda sucks right now.
I am gonna pick up a Coralife 48" PC strip light..havnt decided if I wanna get the 2x65w one...or if I wanna save a little more for the 4x65w light


Your pictures are GREAT! I also love the black background. Thats what I had on my 55gal and the water always looked so crisp. Your tank looks wonderful!


Active Member
Originally Posted by stephish
That would be why your pics are so great, you have a real camera and obviously know how to use it!
LOL it doesnt take thousands of dollars to take good pics...Just know what your doing and use the proper settings.


its very nice but the dragon wrasse and the porcupine puffer will eventually out grow your tank


Active Member
yea but I am not worried about that now..when time comes they will either be donated to my local zoo/aquarium..or set them free in the ocean


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
yea but I am not worried about that now..when time comes they will either be donated to my local zoo/aquarium..or set them free in the ocean
half the time zoos and aquariums dont take animals because they are usually are full or just dont want to risk spreading diseases and its illegal to release animals into the wild :thinking:


Active Member
Update pic of my tank
I added about 30lb more base rock.
Lastnight I also picked up the hunk of live rock in the right corner. It was 6lb little more then i wanted to spend. but it has like its own natural cave in it and was to cool to pass up.
I cant wait for my new 48" Orbit 4x65 PC light ships tomorrow