My 75gal, modified wet/dry with fuge


Well today i took the plunge, pulled out the dremel and drilled my 5 gallon hex tank to turn into a fuge. No rock or macroalgea yet.. thats tommorow... here is the pics though... all i did was T the drain off my tank, and put a valve inline to both the bioball chanber and the 5 gallon hex. Worked out well because the 5 gallon hex has a nice top with PC light in it for good growth of the macro algae and live rock. You can see the basic construction in the photos.... the small float vavle in the wet/dry comes from a line in my laundry room through the wall for an auto top off of RO/DI water. The "big" picture

The "behind the scenes" under the tank overview

The preexisting wet/dry side, quiet one pump, autotop off valve, drains into it..


Modified eclipse 5 gal hex made a good donor for the fuge due to the scratched acrylic

Plumbing into the fuge and out to the wet.dry

Display tank, about 3/4 done. Need to add some xenia and other softies to complete... no SPS for me

My main fish a volitain lionfish, i call him Sultan.

The drains into the 5gal and into the wet/dry from the 5 gal all have Ts instead of 90's to have a air escape on the top (cap with a hole drilled into it) so that i dont run into any problems with proper drainage from a "soda straw" effect. Thats it for now. I like modifying things
More pics to come with some crushed coral gravel in the fuge and a piece of live rock with some macro algea... till then


Staff member
And just may just decide to convert that wet/dry into a second fuge!