My 8 Gallon Bio-Cube Reef.


Very nice. man that toadstools polyp extension is amazing. What kind of biocube is that. My son is really begging me to get him a reef tank.

coral keeper

Active Member
Its a 8 gallon Oceanic Bio-Cube. I got it brand new from the LFS for $160. But that was a bit more than a year and a half ago, I think its cheaper right now.


Active Member
That's awesome the way you have that set-up. Looks like you covered everything. Great looking tank.
That;s something I have wanted to do, doa video. Is it easy? I have a digital with video and that is abotu all I know. I guess my PC will load it to a site? Join Utube and load it there?

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Flricordia
That's awesome the way you have that set-up. Looks like you covered everything. Great looking tank.
That;s something I have wanted to do, doa video. Is it easy? I have a digital with video and that is abotu all I know. I guess my PC will load it to a site? Join Utube and load it there?

If you have a digital camera that can take a video, then take the video of the tank, load it up to your computer then sign up to youtube and load it up on youtube. Or you can use photobucket.

coral keeper

Active Member
I got a bit of algae on the rock where the candycane and zoas are, it wasn't there until I took away the HUGE xenia colony. That algae hasn't even grew a millimeter. I'm going to put a small frag of xenia in the tank and then the algae will slowly die off.


BEAUTIFUL TANK!!! and only about $160 for the tank?! I'm looking to make a nano reef for my desk, and an 8 gal would be perfect!