My 90 gallon


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Finally a place where I can share! These creatues amaze me daily. :happyfish
wanted some suggestions about the plants. I have to weed them every 2 weeks. I have been told that tangs like to eat the plants....but I am little nervous about letting one in my reef tank. Any suggestions?



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The orange coral is an orange Tree Sponge. The light is a outer orbit it has 2 120 halides, 2 actnic compact, and lunar lights. It totals 560 watts which is about 8-9 watts per gallon for my 90.


Active Member
Tangs are totally reef safe .. and they will eat your weeds for you .. I have a ton in my 210 gallon and one in my 65 gallon .. they're great fish


If you want try a coral beauty angelfish. I have one in my tank who ate every single weed in the tank. He's a weed machine.


Active Member
if you ask me you should get a tang from the genus Zebrasoma (example: Yellow Tang, Purple Tang, Sailfin tang) they're excellent weed eaters and maybe you could get a dwarf angel as well as fresnoreef suggested .. the only problem with that is that they may nip at your corals .. mine did :( .. mine ate a ton of coral in my tank so I took him out .. but i definetly suggest getting a tang


Active Member
Blue Hippos Don't eat algea .. unlike most surgeonfishes their diet consists mainly of zooplankton from the water column .. so getting one won't do you much good .. unless you just like the colors .. in that case .. you could get a juvenile but I wouldn't keep a full grown adult in anything less than 6' long .. I have a blue hippo and I love her


Active Member
true .. I have a One-Spot FoxFace Rabbitfish and a Magnificent Foxface Rabbitfish and they both love algea and they won't bother coral .. now that you mention it they'd probably be better to get your algea down than a Tang .. but you could get both just to be sure .. I wouldn't reccomend getting more than one Rabbitfish in one tank .. mine fought in the begginning


Active Member
Nice tank, very clean. Remove the greenary A.S.A.P. I have a purple tang right now in my 125 and am STILL battling greenary. It is driving me crazy!! I remove as much as I can, but there is only so much I can do. I cannot believe people actually buy this stuff, I have had all sorts of colors and types. Green and red, from grape to feather!! I recommend a Yellow tang, or if you have a big enough tank, a Vlamingi. Our Vlamingi at work is a macroalgae killer!!


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I think I'm leaning toward the purple tang. Man what a fish. :happyfish
Either that or the yellow. I don't think the others would be happy as they got bigger...ofcourse it's always good o keep that in my back pocket as an excuse to upgrade to a 200 giggle.


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We have a purple tang, he's awesome. Not to knock yellows, but the purples color is awesome! O yea, didn't realize you had a 90 lol.


Active Member
yeahhhhhhh....oh welll. I blew my chance I should have pushed for the 200 gallon replacement when my 55 gallon sprung a leak. MY hubby couldn't quite swallow 200 gallons, so I opted for the 90 and crossed my fingers that he wouldn't change his mind. We almost had sushi for dinner that night returned home from vacation and found our upstairs carpet swimming and the downstairs ceiling caving in and my hubby's pride and joy 9x6 oak table saturated with saltwater.

So I';ll selttle for the 90,,,,,I am quietly planning a wall deviding tank taht would problely be 400 to 500 gallons.

But thats a few years down the road.


Active Member
I also have a purple tang .. great fish rather aggressive to tangs in the same genus though .. like yellow tangs and sailfins .. so I wouldn't mix them


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
yeahhhhhhh....oh welll. I blew my chance I should have pushed for the 200 gallon replacement when my 55 gallon sprung a leak. MY hubby couldn't quite swallow 200 gallons, so I opted for the 90 and crossed my fingers that he wouldn't change his mind. We almost had sushi for dinner that night returned home from vacation and found our upstairs carpet swimming and the downstairs ceiling caving in and my hubby's pride and joy 9x6 oak table saturated with saltwater.

So I';ll selttle for the 90,,,,,I am quietly planning a wall deviding tank taht would problely be 400 to 500 gallons.

But thats a few years down the road.
Wow, that is horrible!! I would die if my tank leaked that bad! We started with a 55 then went to a 90, and now have our 125. Lol, it's a sickness, and we are always wanting bigger! Right now we live with my boyfriend's dad, and this will be the biggest we have here, until we get our own house. We are extremely lucky he let us put this in his living room seeing that it more or less takes up one entire wall! He wasn't very happy when we told him it was coming, but he loves the tank and spends hours looking at it!


Active Member
I keep elling hubby lets just move to the carribean! A little beach front and all the coke n rum you could want, and the beaches are topless.