My Additives

I have a 150 with Tangs, Clowns and Blennies. I Have Misc. Coral- Bubble, Toadstool leather, torches and others I don't know the name of. also have a number of inverts.
Right now I add-
Liquid Calcium
Strontium Molbdenum
Essential elements
My question is, Are there any others that my tank needs. and what is
C-Balance and what do i add with it? Thanks


Active Member
Your tank doesn't need the Iodine, Strontium Molbdenum or the Essential elements...IMO, they are all a waste of money and if you don't test for them how do you know what to add? Regular water changes should replenish these trace elements.
What you need to test for is ALK, Calcium and Magnesium and if any are low then you need to suppliment.