my allardi clown is mean!!!


just a little back round i bought two alardi clowns a month or two ago. one is small the other is bigger they both where very friendly with each other... rubbing up against each other. and never left each others side. The other day i purchased a BTA which is doing well. the clowns ignored it for a few days then the larger one started hosting in it now she chases the smaller one and is starting to nip at his fins chases him any time he gets within site of her. i don't no what to do. thoughts suggestions? Thanks



Active Member
i say let em be. in time they'll get along. at least thats what ended up happening with a pair i had in the past. for the longest time, female always punked the male around. this went on for 6+ months. eventually she stopped and they were both swimming around like a pair


Originally Posted by nikeSB http:///forum/thread/384737/my-allardi-clown-is-mean#post_3371415
i say let em be. in time they'll get along. at least thats what ended up happening with a pair i had in the past. for the longest time, female always punked the male around. this went on for 6+ months. eventually she stopped and they were both swimming around like a pair
My female definitely lets the male knows who's boss. It's the nature of clownfish. He'll submit and she'll stop making him sleep on the couch.
i actually provided my pair with two BTA's. The female was trying to keep the male out of both. Over time, she gave up and now they share one together. You'll probably start to see him shaking as if he's being electrocuted, this is submission to her, it will eventually stop (at least it does 99% of the time). Just got to ride it out for the time being.