My Anemone Has NEVER moved?



I know an anemone will stay in one spot if happy there.
However, I've moved him before and he still doesn't move on his own. He's very much alive and eats well.
However, I bought it on a little rock and he has to this day never moved off of that little rock. I have a feeling he'd love to move more towards the the light but I dont understand why he doesn't move.
I have been told they have "legs" but I dont see any.
Also it sits on top of the rock on what looks like a white "base" of some sorts. It's almost like he's cemented down or something.
Anyone have any clue what the heck IM talking about, becuase I MYSELF dont have any idea!


Active Member
Well anemones dont have 'legs'. They have a 'foot'. The 'foot' is attached to its 'base' as you said. If it doesnt move, thats a good sign.. but consider yourself lucky. To get a anemone to stay in the same place FOREVER will be rather difficult :) I purchased a anemone not too long ago.. and I was fascinated by it never moving.. two weeks ago it moved =c( I didnt 'plan' on it moving so I had corals close to it.... you can do the math yourself....