my anemone is getting tossed arround


New Member
Hey my name is mike kinda new here i have a 125 with 440 watt vhos
My anemone is been in my tank for about 2 weeks. last sunday my maroon clown started taking to it. But the problem is anemone cant find a spot he likes looks healthy but wont stay anywere. what do i do?


Active Member
I would separate the clown from the anemone. If the maroon has taken to the anemone it will probably bother it continually - which is fine but if your anemone hasn't attached to anything yet this will kill the anemone. Place the maroon in a QT until the anemone has a foothold.
As for the anemone moving around - usually the anemone should attach to something (LR or Sand) within a week or so of introduction into the tank. Since its been two weeks and the anemone hasn't attached, i would be worried. Check all parameters and post them. Don't just say all is good, give us specifics (AM, NI, NA, CA, ALK, PH, Temp, SG, amount of flow). Low SG could be a reason for the anemone not getting comfortable.


are you moveing him around?
i wouldnt worry about the clown, if the anemone is health its got a good foot hold, has the anemone even been free floating in your water?


New Member
he still has not attached to anything. Going to try and do test tonight. he looks fine just a little beat up but not unhealthy looking, my clown is just abusing him and b/c he has not attached anywere im scared the clown is to hard on it.