My anemone, my clownfish and me!!! Lots of Questions!


Well I just recieved an LTA. It is about 8in. in diameter. It came from a tank where a huge maroon clown lived in well I got the anemone and someone else got the maroon, but i have a false perc so it's ok. The LTA been in the tank for about 2 days. Will my clown be able to make this a home after the maroon lived in it???

Is there anyway I can coax my clown into it??? I tried to net him and put in on the LTA and it seamed to work cuz he just hovered over it for like 5 min. then he swam away from it. should i keep trying to do this or is there any easier way??? Man! i can't wait till he does go into it.


Active Member
Don't force him into it. You're just stressing him out. I have a perc and a lta (have had them both for 6 months) and they don't host. Some clowns don't. Give it some time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nolesfan06
grrrrrrrrrr!!! does the fact that the anemone hosted another clown have an effect??
I'm not sure but I think it's the clown that decides whether it wants to host or not.


Well your clown fish will most likely have to paint, redecorate, and sweep up, you know the usual fair when you take over a new place. Just kidding.
It may happen, It may never happen.. But one thing is for sure. There isn't much you can do to make it happen. Time and Patients is all you can do. It's not up to you or anyone else, it's up to the clown fish and the anemone.
That's just the facts of life.


Active Member
i heard that false percs dont host. i think its because there not captive bread, so they dont have the instinked to host


Active Member
This may sound ridiculous, and inconceivable, but I have an idea...Right now I am also trying to get my ocellaris to host my BTA and I have heard that many people have tried this and had success= Get a picture of a clown hosting an anemone )hopefully similar to they species you have), and set it next to your tank facing the glass, or tape it onto one side of the tank. It sounds weird but I have heard of some success stories..


Not ridiculus at all, I started many of those types of threads/rumors


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
Not ridiculus at all, I started many of those types of threads/rumors

Bad Thomas!!! j/k :hilarious
Yeah, I remember those threads. It sounds like quite a few people has success with that.


I have 2 false percs. they host my flower pot and my BTA. Took them a few weeks but they spend most of their time in the flower pot and seem to use the BTA for a bed at night when its lights out.


Originally Posted by alyssia
Bad Thomas!!! j/k :hilarious
Yeah, I remember those threads. It sounds like quite a few people has success with that.

I tried the picture method and had success after about 10 days.......but I was also only feeding near the BTA. :thinking: Was it the pictures or did something just click in the little clown to dive in????