My anemone won't stop moving!


New Member
Can anybody tell me when my anemone won't pick a place to stay in? I've had it a little over a month and it moves every few days to a different spot. I only have a nano tank and the anemone seems pretty big... maybe too big for the tank. Can anybody tell me when this thing won't find a spot and stay in it?


Active Member
How long has the tank been set-up? What kind of lighting do you have? What kind of anemone is it? What else do you have in the tank? What size tank? What are your nitrate and specific gravity test results?


New Member
the tank has been set up well over a month and i've had the anemone for a month now. It's a 24 Gallon nano tank and the anemone is a long tentacle. i have no other coral and i only have a clown fish, sand sifting starfish, 2 emerald crabs, snails and a blue hippo tang. Nitrate levels and all the other levels are good...


IMO your tank is not established enough for the anemone. It needs to be up and running stable for at least 6 months. You also need T5ho or medal halide lights.
With that being said, lta's prefer sand beds to set their foot. You may have to build a shelter to stop or slow down the current for it to set it's foot. There is probably too much circulation and it doesn't have a chance to set in one spot it likes. Lta's grow fairly large and if it survives the new tank it will probably out grow it in a short time. Also the hippo tang needs a lot of swimming space which you don't have. Hippo's like all tangs need tanks of 100 gal or larger. It may be small now but it will quickly out grow your tank.
Do your self a favor and research things before you buy anything to see if your tank can handle it and always find out how big it will be when full grown.
Don't take this the wrong way, I'm just trying to help.
As always this is only my opinion and i'm sure others will add their .02


yes welcome to the boards, but i will tell u my opinion to. the nem needs a mature tank of at least 6 or more months, it also needs t5 or mh as stated, i have personelly kept a lta with t5s for 2 n a bit yrs and its grown 3 times its size in that time, ppl will prob tell u thats wrong and to only use mh, but thats their opinion, your tank isnt suitible for a nem and a tank is barly cycled at 4-6 weeks and not good to put an anemone in there at this time. lastly the hippo is a very bad chioce for your tank they grow SO fast and to over a foot long, very VERY active fish, deffinently take him out while his young so he dosnt develope problems.


New Member
thanks for answering my post, but the tank was running for months before i took it over for a friend... so that's not the case. I DID do my research and know that the blue hippo tang gets too big for my tank and planned on getting rid of it within a year. Right now it's just a baby.
As far as the long tentacle anemone goes, the guy that sold it to me told me it would be good for my tank. Obviously it wasn't. I wound up trading it in yesterday for a green bubble tip anemone which my clownfish has taken to very well.
Thank you for the help everyone!


it will still wind up having problems though, with overall health. its like keeping a 4 year old in a 6x6 square for a year. not good.
also i feel that you shouldnt of got the BTA, but good luck