Here is a pic of my anemone. It was white when I bought it but now it is going bronw. Is this good or bad I have had it 2 months and it has not moved it likes it under the 250w MH bulb. It also shrinks up at night is this normal?
White normally means that it was bleaching do to improper lighting.
Brown means that it is regaining its zooxanthellae, and thats a good thing, means it is recovering.
Shrinking up at night is normal, tenticals get smaller and may retract into the stem some.
Hey thanks I read that post and that is what mine is starting to do. Also I have read that people feed there anemones shrimp from the grocery store can you do this. Do you use raw or cooked? Thanks again
Actually I've used both, when ever the wife and I decide to have a shrimp cocktail I usually slice off a piece for the blood shrimp and peppermint shrimps and some small pieces for the anemonies.
P.S. the oven out in the ocean is where volcano's erupt, take Hawaii for instance :thinking: