My anemone...


Active Member
I decided a while back to try another anemone after swearing never to have one again...
I'm not even close to claiming success but I'm happy with his progress so far... when I got him he was about the size of a quarter. Now he's about 2" across.


Active Member
On a side note... my two false percs still prefer the torch coral
which is a good thing for now sense the anemone is still so small.


Active Member
Well... as with the others I have kept, it didn't even last a year. Two nights ago on 8-18-05 (10 days shy of one year) I had to remove him
He was seemingly doing really well and about tripled in size but with in a week withered and died. Nothing changed so I have no idea why he died

Anyway, once again, I am swearing to never buy another.


Active Member
His mouth got really big and kind of turned in side out. He appeared to be decomposing inside... his tentacles got really short and he wouldn't eat.


Sure you didn't have any type of pH spike?
Was there any possibility at all that some type of buffer touched him?
I remember when one poster put up a pic where we could see straight through the anemones mouth right out the other side, then it returned to normal. Scary but I believe it lived.