My Anenome* stays small


:confused: Hello anyone out there have any tips about how to make my anenome* grow it stays small, i feed it Kent Marine Mircro this good? well if anyone can help thats great


Active Member
If the anemone was purchased large and then slowely got smaller in your aquarium, it's most likely becuase lack of food. I first want to tell you that Micro Very isn't doing anything for your anemone. Anemones are carnavorous and will not consume small sized particles, which include both phytoplankton and zooplankton.
The anemones diet really depends on the species of anemone that you have. Some species will prefer krill, while others may feed on silversides. A picture or a detailed discription would help if you have no clue of what species your anemone is.
I also should get some more information on your tank setup, including your lighting, how old the tank, all water parimeters, all tank inhabitants, filtration, how long you've had the anemone, etc. The more information you provide, the better answer you'll receive. But, just from the vague information, it looks like your anemone is starving, which could be from lack of light or lack of food. Again, that's only from your discription. A more detailed driscription would lead to a more detailed answer.
By the way, welcome to! :)
Take Care,


I just use a small baster and have mysis shrimp and sometimes krill shot towards it. As soon as the food hits the anemone he starts wrapping around it and eats away...very cool to watch.
I woudl just suggest trying a few different types of foods and using something that can get the food very close so it can land on him.


Welcome to the board :)
Also need to know what type of lighting you have, very important for anemone's.
Are the tenticles of the anemone still sticky?
Like SPSfreak100 says. If you can give use a rundown on your tank, then we will be able to give you recommondations on how you can have a heathy anemone. We hope.


never assume that your clownfish will feed your anemone for you or that it can fend for itself, i always feed mine meaty food once a week and it is still thriving.
welcome to the boards btw!


well right now my tank has been in use for about 3 months i have one large live rock, 4 large shells, 2 clown fish, 2 damsils, 1 crab , and 1 shrimp. About 80% of my live sand bottom is alge??? ( help!) and my anenome is shrinking because of lack of food. Is there any tricks to get the alge cleared up and the anenome larger?


Active Member
I think you've been given some good advice on how to have the anemone grow larger. You didn't meantion your lighting, which also plays a very important role in the growth and health in an anemone.
About 80% of my live sand bottom is alge??? ( help!)
Could you discribe the algae? Is it slimey? What coloration is it? What texture? Do you test for phosphate?


Well today i picked up a speedy snail of some sort, the pet store said it would help with my slimy/ hairy algae on the bottom on my tank. I also got a star fish b/c it said it was a scavenger. ( it was only like 5 bucks so worth a shot right?)


Active Member
Nuisance algae and shrinking anemone - I would check your alkalkinty right away.
I'll guess your alkalinity is very low.
As others have mentioned - a full report of water parameters would be good to know.
S.G. / Salinity