My apology about sand stars and dsb's.


Active Member
Here is an article on dsb's. I think everyone should read this:
To keep you're DSB stirred you should primarily rely on worms, amphipods, and copepods. Sand sifting
starfish are sifting through the sand to eat those very creatures!
I have gave advice to alot of people telling them to get a sand star. Now, I'm getting rid of mine. :(


Good call Dad, you might consider getting a kit from ipsf you reseed your sand bed too once it's gone.
You'll be amazed how alive a sand bed can be.


New Member
I just did the same. I even got the LFS to give me 50% credit!
Something is still working over my sand at nite.
Maybe those 2 stars I had didn't eat EVERYTHING!


That was a great article. I hate that my goby jumped out but I guess he was doing my tank a favor. Guess I'll go buy more LS this weekend.


Active Member
I read the same article a few months back and decided to trade mine in also. He was cool to watch and kept my sand bed clean but i also noticed the depleation of critters. For the sake of my sand bed, i think it was a good decision. :) My pod poulation has really grown since hes been gone. :D