My bad day


I had the worst day yesterday and thought that it might actually make a few people laugh so I wanted to share it ....
first thing that happened is my laptop crashed .. I work VO and my laptop is my lifeline to daily work. I took the laptop in to a local PC specialist for my company and found out that I had errors on sectors of my harddrive .. We THINK that my documents and emails may be retirvalable but need to send it to the laptop hospital for repair -- I should have my laptop back some time next week.
Second thing - I spilled some Hotwing suace inside my brandnew oven and decided to self clean it ... sadly When I turned it on to self clean I forgot to take the pan out of the oven and only realized it when my oven caught on fire. We opened all the windows to get all the smoke out of the house. My neighbor is a fireman and called for backup seeing the smoke. So we had 3 Firetrucks, an ambulence and 2 police cars outside our house. Had to vacate the location (it was about 12 degrees outside) while the tested the walls to ensure that there was no heat trapped in the walls that could ignite the house.
Third - After the fire was out and we were back inside and closed all the windows we realized that our furnace wasnt working.
So yesterday I had major PC problems, Fire and no heat!!!


That does sound like a horrible horrible day, but it does make an excellent story. I hope your laptop gets well soon.:)


wow! definantly bad. my last two weeks have sucked too. i got 2000 dollars in tools stolen from the back of my truck and garage then when i was driving to the pawn shop in town to see if any of my tools were there, i lost 500 dollars cash. i just got paid for side work i did ALL week cause ive been laid off 3 times in 2 years. so needless to say i was pissed cause i busted my butt to pay my bills with that 500 and now it was gone and all my tools are gone. damn i cant win for losing. hope things get better for you.


Active Member
I am sorry but I am still chuckling, I think it the irony of having to evacuate your house and then when you go back in there is no heat, Hell start up the oven again.
BTW, I see where you are from and my wife says that she wants to have Cowers baby.