My BioCube Pics


Active Member
Ok I took some time last night and got some pretty cool pictures of my tank and what little things I have in it so far.
The royal Gramma seemed to love the camera. She would come out to check it out everytime I got close to the tank. Although it might have been a protest to me being there she posed pretty well.



Active Member
Last one.... I had to edit these the real ones were 3008X2600 wayy to big for this forum. But I think it gets the job done.


sweet looking tank... I see that you have watch Finding NEMO way too many times...
don't worry i had my copy way before i had a tank...


Active Member
Unfortunatly, yes. My daughter is obsessed with Finding Nemo. And she has been asking for a "Nemo" fish for over a year and a half now. I have tried to pawn a fresh water tank off to her with some vibrant African Cichlids. This seemed like the best way out because there was no out of pocket expense for me except for the fish. I had all the hardware from years ago. Well she wasnt having any of it. So, I felt bad and ended up getting a small marine tank to start. My goal is a 125Gal live reef tank but I enjoy learning on this one for the time being. Saturday night the Percula's come home the LFS, they are already holding them for me.