My bleached anemone


Active Member
Dunno if anybody remembers my post a couple weeks back of me finding one of my BTA's in my overflow box that had been there for at least a month and he is completely bleached out... well he has been doing fine as can be expected. He is still lacking color but hasnt died yet. Here is a pic. It was taken from behind my tank through algae/coralline... so sorry for the quality.


Active Member
try feeding it cyclopseze daily spot feed it.after time it may regain its health offer other foods a couple times a week small foods such as chopped squid and mysis shrimps.also look up my thread on prossess of dying sebae for any other helpful tips


Actually not bad for what had happened to it Speg, it seems to be spreading out.
How often have you been feeding, and how much has it been accepting?
Has it shied away from the light at all?
How high or low in the water column did it go?


Active Member
Its moved from where it was yesterday. Now its at one of the highest points in the tank (which isnt that high sadly). It takes food every time I feed them, which is usually twice a week. This hasnt changed since it was bleached except that it hasnt been getting fed that often at all due to it being in awkward places.