my boxer crab


just picked this little goomer up today. they look so big in the pictures and i never knew they were this small! watched her shake her pom poms at a peppermint shrimp today. that was very funny to see!
$10 at local fish store


nm reef

Active Member
Very nice addition and a sweet photo!!!!
My sexy shrimp are tiny too...and very entertaining.


NM You absolutely take the best pics on the planet... Wow! and shrmntr. that is a nice looking crab, I love the critters with personality! :happyfish


thanks and you dont get much more personality then this crab hottie. i am hoping it is a girl crab since it loves to shake its pom poms lol and seems to have makeup on haha


I picked one up about a month ago, and once in a while it comes out from under a rock and puts on quite a show. That's a great picture


that is partly why i wanted to get one because i have stuff that i see all the time and want something i will not see as much of like molamola said
makes it more of an event to see it instead hermits and such which u see all the time
did it still have the anenomes alyssia?


Active Member
Hey NM no tryin to take the spotlight from the boxing crab!
I am soooooooooooo jealous that you have a boxing crab :( Thats literally the only thing I want for saltwater right now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shrmnator
that is partly why i wanted to get one because i have stuff that i see all the time and want something i will not see as much of like molamola said
makes it more of an event to see it instead hermits and such which u see all the time
did it still have the anenomes alyssia?



Great picture, shrmnator!!!
I just put one in my nano tank on Saturday. Saw him again tonight , first time since then.
He comes to the front of the tank, boxing away! lol! Such charactor! Your's looks a different color than mine:


i have read that the crab will drag the anenome across the sandbed to pick up food which will feed the anenome and the crab as well. also read that when the crab eats with its sloppy style food falls to the anenome. i also read that some people have had them drop the anenomes due to it dying and made a new clipping off the big anenome in their tank and carried it around until the small frags of the anenome die then clip more.


ruby: mine literally just came in on the plane. waited at the store for it to come in for an hour just talkin to the guys in the store. could explain the pale color or i also read that there are 2 different places they get these from and they are different colors. cant beat it for $10 when even online they are double that plus shipping on top of it! they had one in the back room a little smaller for $8 but didnt have the anenomes


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
This is one in a tank I used to care for. Mine is definitely not as colorful as this one:

Ophiura, do you ever see yours?


Active Member
I now basically know what part of the tank it hangs out in. It is not usually out in front showing off. But recently I have known where to look to spot him within the rockwork.


reminds me of my little guy. i used to have a boxing crab, but he disappeared about a year ago. They are extremely fun to watch!