my brittle star


New Member
one of my brittle star's legs are falling off...what do you make of this....will they grow back?


If it is just one, I would not worry too much about it. It should regenerate a leg. Now is there something in the tank that is picking on it?


New Member
thank you for your reply....but to answer your not sure :notsure: because i hardly ever see them. they hide alot...but i did notice that the other star fish (whom i see more often) is missing a leg too. and i did notice that sometimes they hide where my damsel you think he could be picking on them?



Originally posted by sneed
thank you for your reply....but to answer your not sure :notsure: because i hardly ever see them. they hide alot...but i did notice that the other star fish (whom i see more often) is missing a leg too. and i did notice that sometimes they hide where my damsel you think he could be picking on them?

How big is your tank and list your tank mates, please? My damsels don't mess ith my starfish, but that doesn,t mean much since each have their own personalities. What type is the other starfish?


New Member
i have a 55 gal. a month old...finished cycle a week ago...that's when i got the clean up crew....i have 1 damsel and two black mollies, 20 scarlets and 20 blue legs 20 turbo snails and 5 nassisic (sp?) snails 1 coral band shrimp and 3 emerald crabs and 2 brittle stars.


WOW! That's a lot of inverts....especially for a young tank. Hopefully other will correct me if I am wrong, but I do believe one shouldn't have more than 3 large turbos or 5 of the smaller snails. I personally limit my 55 gal tank to that and no more then 4 hermits. Another rule of thumb I use is no more then one starfish per tank unless you got a large tank...180 gal or bigger. You might get away with the brittile stars though.
Becareful, you might have a die off. There will probably not be enough food in the tank for your critters. IF you see any dead snails or crabs, pull them out ASAP so they don't foul the water up and kill your fish.
A young tank will not have a lot of detitus for your inverts to clean. I would seriously remove some of the inverts.
What do others think?


New Member
i got my inverts off this site...i orded the 20-55 gal. reef package. i figure wouldnt sell them like that if it was a problem. :notsure:


New Member
i hope i didnt offend you....i am greatful for any advise i get...i was just tell you how i came to get all of my inverts. :)



Originally posted by sneed
i hope i didnt offend you....i am greatful for any advise i get...i was just tell you how i came to get all of my inverts. :)

No offense at all. I just don't want to go against our host :) Plus, I am still new to all of this. I have aquariums for over a year now, but there are a lot of conflicting info I have seen on this board (not necessary from our host) and from what I have learned through experience and from where I work.
I will be the first to admit that I am not always right and will not be so bold to say I am correct in this situation. However, I still think its a lot for a young tank.


I agree with beachbum. For a new tank it might be a little heavy. I think that number of inverts is more for an established tank. With a little luck though, you'll probably get away with it. Also could you post your water parameters? That could help determine if somethings wrong with your starfish. When I first started in SW I had a serpent star that basically fell apart because I had to many fish in my tank
I don't think your bioloads a problem here though with only 3 fish, it could just be the damsel...they're mean fish!!!


Active Member
I don't think a damsel would tear into a brittle star. I'm kind of wondering if they are fighting each other?
As to your original question, they do regenerate their arms. A friend of mine was trying to get one out of his tank and it had latched on to a piece of lr and wouldn't let go. When he pulled on it the whole critter went stiff as a board and the arm popped off. He was freaked out and put it in his QT tank. It's still in there and has all it's arms once again.


Hi sneed,
I've been told several different things regarding the number of inverts in a tank. One LFS told me 1 snail and 1 hermit crab for every gallon! And another told me 1 snail for every gallon and 1 crab for every 5 gallons! Of course, LFS are not always reliable. But I've had some people tell me about 25 snails for a 50 was a good amount and it was suggested to me to get 25 hermits also.
So my point is- everybody is different- I think it's a matter of opinion. I'm sure it also depends on whether you have LR or not. The snails and crabs are always picking off the LR as well as LS and glass.
I have 25 snails in my 50. About 8 of them are fairly big, and the rest range from nickel size to smaller than dimes. I have 10 hermits- 5 red legged and 5 regular... Everyone seems to be happy. They keep they tank clean, but they all seem to have enough to eat.
But I am still new to this hobby also, so maybe someone else will give more feedback.
Good luck!


Hi your starfish are probably not getting enough food. This happend to my first one. Go to the grocery store and pick up some food like scallops. I freeze mine and take out one cut it up put it in a cup with tank water. Let it thaw. Then give it to your starfish. The one I have now loves it. He's growing good and he takes it from my hand now.