My bubble tip split!


Active Member
My bubble tip split the night before last and I'm wondering if I should do anything. Questions are: Does splitting stress them very much? Should I try to feed both of them right away? If not how long should I wait to feed them. I'd like any info/personal experience anyone has. Thanks :D


Active Member
trying for a pic here....not sure what I'm doing
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


New Member
Mine split about 10 days ago -- pretty surprising to see two BT's come out from behind a large piece of LR. They've both taken up typical residence and are eating well. They're very fluffy and look happy. :) The percula is enjoying himself thoroughly.
I've read two streams on this BB -- one says splitting was good, that conditions are good and the anemone is generally happy. The other says that there must have been a nidus for the split -- an injury, some stressor or other issue. If all levels are normal in the tank and everything else looks good, with the anemone behaving normally, I would doubt a stressor is at hand. I've got shrimp larvae and snail eggs everywhere with a good amphi/cope load. It seems that if there were an environmental, the polyps or the other inverts would not be doing as well as they are.
I'm taking it as a good sign, as long as the two continue to do well.
Have fun,


Active Member
all my other inverts and corals are doing well also and the anenome(s) seem to be fine. I'm going to feed them tonight and see if they are hungry. So far, everyone I've heard from says it's a good thing. I haven't seen the "stress" thread.


Active Member
Beachbaby, I buy a bag of frozen fish at WalMart (fresh fish section) for $4.00. It has squid, shrimp, octopus and whatever else in it. Lasts forever! Once a week I feed the anenome something chopped up out of the bag with a turkey baster just to make sure it gets it. Sometime when I'm feeding the tank this stuff the tomato clown takes some and feeds it to the anenome so I know it's eating once a week but probably twice. It's really cool when the clown feeds it. I did feed both anenomes last night and they ate it right up. :D