My Buddys Super Puffer Smaller Pics


Sorry the other threads pics are huge. Forgot to resize them.
Here are some smaller sized pics with the little puffer under him. The little guy is about 6 inches. Look at the other thread for huge detailed pics and videos. Must have a big monitor to see full pic in one screen.



Originally Posted by BabyB
my god, that thing looks big, what type of puffer is he
Hawaii Porcupine. It has the black dots VS the patches of black and brown on the guy below him.


Active Member
Another unfortunate case where people get fish that they won't be able to care for.
That particular species will reach over 4' in length. Even a 1000gal tank would not be suitable for this fish.


Originally Posted by AW2x3
Another unfortunate case where people get fish that they won't be able to care for.
That particular species will reach over 4' in length. Even a 1000gal tank would not be suitable for this fish.
I am sure within the next week or so he will not be 4 ft. That would take years not days or weeks. So I think he can enjoy this fish for a few years to come. If not we can always take him back down to the wholesaler and sell him or give him back for free for a better home.
Being helpful is one thing, having an opinion on if my friend can have a large puffer is another one. What is the size of your tank, and what is your past experience with 4ft puffers. Just curious did you read this online, or have your grown puffers in your tank to 4 feet.
Sorry for being rough, but we treat our fish like family and would never keep them in our tank if they could not move around and be happy. He has plenty of room to swim and be a fish. Yeah he is big, and yeah he might belong back in the ocean. But someone would buy this fish, and he might have a tiny tank where the fish can’t even turn around. At lease we gave him a good home so he can be happy, feed, and taken care of.
Now I feel better and back to being in happy land!!!!


As long as he has room to swim now, you're fine. But the second he feels cramped and is lookin stressed get him outta there and get find him a better home. Back to the wholesaler or donate to a local aquarium or somethin. It sounds like you already plan to do this. Good luck, great fish by the way!


Active Member
Actually, I have lots of experiance with them. Took care of one, in a 30,000gal tank...and have dove with many of them.
I think that qualifies for me to give my opinion.

I don't give an opinion/advice unless I have first hand experiance/knowledge with said subject.


I really appreciate that in this isn't even my thread lol. I can't stand when people lecture you about topics that they have no first hand experience in. But if someone does have the experience, I'm more than willing to hear their opinions and take their advice.


Originally Posted by AW2x3
Actually, I have lots of experiance with them. Took care of one, in a 30,000gal tank...and have dove with many of them.
I think that qualifies for me to give my opinion.

I don't give an opinion/advice unless I have first hand experiance/knowledge with said subject.

Fair enough. But I promise we wont keep a 4 ft puffer in a personal tank.


Originally Posted by larryndana
What size is said tank, anyway? Just out of curiosity?
80 Long X 25 Wide X 60 High. I think that is around 400 gallons. I might take him off my friends hand when he gets bigger for my 1000.


Originally Posted by larryndana
is it that tall?
well if so, its like 520 gallons.
Sorry that is outside specs. He has 2in acrylic.
But yeah from one side it is about 9ft tall. The other side is about 7 ft from the floor. Need a ladder just to feed them.



Originally Posted by larryndana
seems like i've seen that tank before, did you post it in another thread a few days ago. well, maybe not.
yep you are right.