My butterfly...sigh


Ok..I have had this tank set up for a while now, and the other day added a racoon butterfly. See other thread if you are interested. Last night, just watching my tank, I observed that it was spending A LOT of time in front of the blood red shrimp. The shrimp looked like it was cleaning it, and was enjoyin it. This has been happening more and more. I seen it happen 2 times before I went to work this morning. Can someone please tell me whats goin on. I have an idea, and I am in denial...thanks!


Active Member
There are many things a shrimp will "clean" off a fish. But just as saltnoob said look for the signs of anything detrimental.


ok...i have been doing the "small" test...he follows my finger, when i make a sudden move he will hide, hes eating aright...still workin on his diet and what he eats. He is movin around the take with no problems, he has no "spots". Although he had something like a spot on his tail on Sat, which is now gone, and there was a white dot on his side this morning...I am not at home to check the status of that. My shimp has never done that to my other fish, or at least I have never seen it. Keep the ideas coming please!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by wade163
ok...i have been doing the "small" test...he follows my finger, when i make a sudden move he will hide, hes eating aright...still workin on his diet and what he eats. He is movin around the take with no problems, he has no "spots". Although he had something like a spot on his tail on Sat, which is now gone, and there was a white dot on his side this morning...I am not at home to check the status of that. My shimp has never done that to my other fish, or at least I have never seen it. Keep the ideas coming please!!!!
Sounds like the new fish may have ich. If so, I'm afraid you have to treat your whole tank ASAP. No shrimp can cure an ich outbreak. The white spot is just dead tissue and that's what a cleaner gets, the parasite is to deep and they will multiply, unseen, at an incredible rate. Posting a pic would help.


Active Member
well the shrimp would do that to other fish if he could, the other fish just dont want it.
some fish like being cleaned.
diet is usually one of the last things to go if a fish is not happy. granted , they are not gonna eat if they stressed out like being caught and held in a 5g bucket or something, but in the longterm, you would likely see the cause before he/she stops eating IME. (most cases). Ick, in small numbers will barely affect the fish or it's diet. if you already saw a spot, then your suspicions (sp?) may be on the right path. keep looking. if you see any other white spots it is likely ick or Lympho. look up lympho which butterflys commonly get. they can be easily confused.


i cant take a pic...he moves to fast. I have looked at my other fish...2 clowns, and 3 green chromis (SP) and my star, and they are all fine...RIGHT NOW. I will keep watch for the next few days...anything else i should be on the lookout for?


Active Member
Originally Posted by wade163 http:///forum/post/2743908
i cant take a pic...he moves to fast. I have looked at my other fish...2 clowns, and 3 green chromis (SP) and my star, and they are all fine...RIGHT NOW. I will keep watch for the next few days...anything else i should be on the lookout for?
I'd search this site and google to be sure you can tell what is ich and what is Lympho. If new spots appear, it is probably ice, or another parasite. Ich can disappear, then appear is huge numbers. I'd read up on the ich life-cycle & treatment so you know what you're up against. I think every hobbiest should read this info, regardless. BTW; did you QT the new fish? Here's a start:


alright...I think I am out of the has been about 32 days, and a parasite lives for 31. He hasn’t died nor have any of the tank mates. He hasn’t stepped fin in front of the shrimp, so what was ever on him...must be gone. He has adapted his diet which I change up every 2 to 3 days between frozen, pellets, and flakes. So I THINK I can say I got a healthy fish, and he is happy.