My canopy after the first coat of paint


Active Member
It's a long way from finished. I drilled the holes for the fans today, and got the first coat of paint on the outside. The inside will be painted white....but I need to wait for a clear day to spraypaint it outdoors. Only thing left to do is fasten the lights onto the top of the canopy(not shown in picture), and attach the top to the rest of the canopy. CANT WAIT! Please ignore the black blotchs of paint on the side of the canopy...I just rubbed my shirt against the wet paint. :(
Lemme know if it still looks like crap!


Active Member
Looking good, are you gonna put any type of grill over the fan(s) to protect your fingers or someone elses..
when ya gonna start on mine :D


Active Member
Yes, there are grills going over the fans, they'll be the last thing to be put on. I've got dozens of them sitting here from doing computer case mods :)