my centropyge tibicen ie. tibicen angelfish is losing her color


New Member
help!!!!!!!!! I am very new at having saltwater fish I have been a saltwater aquariast for only a month. My tibicen angel fish is losing her color, we just starting feeding her seaweed, hopefully that will help. then I woke up this morning and found this thing on her head that looks like she got scared and ran into some rocks, it looks painful, will she be okay? My other question is do that she has little blotches around her gills and mouth and eye area, they sort of look like she is losing her scales, but I don't see anything falling off of her. do they get lighter as they get older. also we are trying to treat our yellow tang for black ich. any advice or suggestions any body could give me at this time, I would REALLY REALLY appreciate it. thanks toasty coastee


Staff member
You've only been in the hobby for a month and you already have an angel and a tang....and the tang has black ick...the pains of being a new aquarist is about to hit you.
Did you just set your tank up or what? Give some details about your tank? What are you doing to treat the tang?


New Member
since we don't have a quarantine tank and we did't want to kill the inverts, we took the inverts out and put them in a bucket and then put this black spot control made by a company called auquatronics. then we put the inverts back several hours later, that was yesterday, we were desperate, and then I maraculiosly found this page this morning. everybody is still alive including the ich.


Staff member
I was interested in knowing the history of your tank, because you said you were only in the hobby for 1 month...and you already have these fish in the tank [which was a big mistake]. I would not get so upset about the comment in the other post. If you are going to seek BB advise, then you will find people upset about new hobby ignorance that leads to this type of problem. I was upset myself when I saw your post. Years down the line, you will likely have the same reaction. That said, we were all new once, and have made bad mistakes. There really isn't a reason to be so upset, Almarktool was offering a good, and well-meaning suggestion for people like you who are new to the hobby who need good hobby info up front.
If you are still with us, I would suggest that you treat your fish with hyposalinity. I won't write up all of the info about the procedure here, since I don't know if you're going to read it, but if you see this, do a search on this BB for hyposalinity, or Osmotic Shock Therapy. Look in the Disease Forum when doing the search. You can also use my member # [37] to assist with the search.
I need to go to work now, so I don't have time to wait to see if you still want our help. However, I'll check back on your status tonite. Anthem, TerryB, twtrojan, and other exp members here can also help you out if you decide to stick with us.
Please give us your current tank water readings. Also, do you have a powerhead funning in the bucket that has the inverts?