my chocolate chip starfish needs help


Active Member
okay,we need:
HAve you ever used any products in this tank to treat diseases?
How old is the tank?
how old is the star?
How big is the tank?
Any wrasse? Triggerfish? Harlequin shrimp? Bumblebee Shrimp?
Oh, and for the tests, we need specifics,not "fine" or "good" or "acceptable" we need numbers.


temp: is 78
salinity: is in the middle of the hydrometer
ammonia: 0
and everything else is good (I checked)
The tank is 4 weeks old
starfish:3 weeks old


Active Member
I'm afraid we really need more specific is IMPERATIVE that you learn to read the hydrometer. Without specific readings, including pH and alkalinity, there is little that we can start with.
Your tank is far too young for a seastar I am afraid. And it is qutie possible that it is suffering from this. :(
Please go to an LFS and get proper readings and ask them about the hydrometer. It is critical to have any success in this hobby! And whatever you do, don't buy anything else until it is all settled.
Do you have live rock in the tank?

darth tang

Active Member
In the middle of most hydrometers would put the salinity to low. However I am not ging to deduce that yet. Just a guess. Your tank probably wasn't done cycling either. Listen to Ophiura...she knows her star info.


i have a firefish and a three stripped damsel
and no i don't have no live rock
but today when i woke up i fed it brine shrimp and it ate it and it is looking much much better today


Active Member
I can't tell you about a skimmer until there is more about your tanks a specifications. But brine shrimp is a poor diet for nearly any animal, and certainly the starfish.