My clam....


My clam seems to move at that something in the tank moving him around, or him? Also, he has a little slim like tissue on the bottom of him, is that part of his body?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jden092901
My clam seems to move at that something in the tank moving him around, or him? Also, he has a little slim like tissue on the bottom of him, is that part of his body?
thats him moving around and those are his byssal threads that let him attach to rocks. what type of clam is this?


I think its a croocea...Should I put him on a rock, or just keep him on the bottom...Just dont want him jumping off the rocks...


Well-Known Member
croceas actually prefer to be on the rocks. I have four croceas and they are all on rocks, none of them have moved or fell.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jden092901
I think its a croocea...Should I put him on a rock, or just keep him on the bottom...Just dont want him jumping off the rocks...
if you have strong enough lighting you can place him on the sand and beneath him place a small rock under the sand so it attaches. if you dont have strong enough lighting then youre going to have to think about placing him high in the tank. these guys love light and lots of it. my crocea sits on the highest rock facing the light and has never moved