My clarikkie and my Long tentacle..what should I do plz help!


I Got a clarikki about 3 weeks ago. Last night while at the lfs I bought a long tentacle aneome. It has seated it's self at the back of the tank. My clarikki is from this site and it is tank bred, he hasnt used it yet.....will he use it or does the long tentacle still need to get use to the tank. I would also like some other clowns in my tank, like perculas what should I do. Thanks!


have you read about the picture method, I think Thomas has it somewhere.. You should be able to do a search for it maybe but not sure :)


I had a similar problem, my clownfish didn't go into the long tentacle anenome for almost a week and I got fed up with it, but i found out something that worked PERFECTLY.
I took the anenome and put it in my net for my tank. Then using the net, my hands, my girlfriends's hands, and whatever else we could find, we managed to catch the clown in the same net with the anenome, and then i kept it pressed tightly up against the glass. At first, the clownfish looked like it was getting stung and hurt, but i tried to give it a little room in the net so that it had some room where it wasn't directly touching the anenome.
I felt really bad because my clownfish looked like it was getting hurt, but I kept it in the net pressed tightly against the glass. Eventually the clownfish began swimming into the anenome on its own, and after about 15 minutes it was snuggling the anenome like crazy. I slowly took the net away from the glass, and gently popped out the anenome (with the clowfish hovering over it) and placed it into position. Since then, my clownfish doesnt' stray from it except to eat, and i've had it for about 3 months now. Enjoy and good luck!


well your idea is sounding pretty good sjg but......I found out my LFS sold me a pink tip haitian hosting there. im buying a long tentacle tommorw. I have a clarikki and a will use it hopefully. or i use your plan.


I have a Clarkii clown that has hosted a pink tip (bought them already together at the lfs). He is very protective and loving toward it. I especially love to watch him feed it. He'll take a bite and then give his anemone buddy a bite. It is so fun to watch. I know it's not a common or natural pairing, but I've heard about it few times. Of course I've heard of them hosting power heads and filter pick up tubes, go figure.


hi i also had a tomatoe clown and clark II for a long time and decided to get a lta and bubble tip from someone. each clown just took to one of the anemonie and i just sit in wonder how they go in and snuggle.