My Cleaner Shrimp Molted!!


ugh!! just brought my first cleaner shrimp home and this morning I see 2 of them!! Well talk about weird!!
Suddenly we realize that the 2nd one is just "hanging around" was just the current moving it but it was his outer shell!! Gross!! Just to make sure it was not a 2nd shrimp hiding out in the coral we also bought we took it out. Quite neat actually just did not expect that right away so freaked us out!! just through I would share. I will post pictures later today of lots of our new creatures. Can't seem to find where I can make my pics smaller on my mac laptop, so if anyone knows would love to know so I can post pics direct instead of just links!! Last night we got a 6 line wrass also....have not seen it this morning so I have a feeling he is hiding out....hoping to see when my full lights come on in 1/2 hour (timer).


Quite common for a shrimp to do this in the first few days of being in a new tank. Nothing to worry about.


Active Member
do you have a photo shop on your computer? I think maybe you can use microsoft word too. The first time I saw my shrimp molt, I was in awe also.... looked like he died, cuz it was perfectly shaped and very pal. I read a post on here about a wrasse jumping out of a guys tank... so make sure you have a good tank cover. Good luck with everything.


yes, thanks for the advice on the wrasse jumping. I read that also....I have a glass top so should be ok, he was hanging out around the live rock on the right side of my tank loving his space...90 gallon tank and was not even near the top yet...but of course, I was asleep for 7 hours, so who knows! My guess is once the bright lights come on I will discover him somewhere in the rockwork I hope. Can't imagine anything happened to him. Only have a set of maroon clowns and that shrimp, a couple of emeralds, snails, etc. Hoping to see it soon!


went to my photshop and went to edit.....resize....put it down below 100 pixels and still just sending link


Active Member
you can't post the .jpg files on this site, you have to convert them. I think it needs to be a .bmp file. Don't quote me though, but I do know .jpg files can't be posted.


if this is the case, I can't seem to find where to change the file from the jpeg to the bmp in photoshop, any ideas?


New Member
I've posted JPG files in here without a problem. They're a lot easier to work with since they're much smaller. The only restriction I've seen is that they can't be any bigger than 500X500. I use photoshop to shrink them down.


I Went to photoshop and did the RESIZE to under 100 pixels which is what I thought it needed to be....but 500x500 is better of course. Then come to the site and to post and push the IMG button to enter a picture and put in the URL of th pictures....but not working...need help please..what am I doing wrong?


Active Member
Instead of clicking in the "IMG" button. Scroll down and attach the file using the "BROWSE" button below the text box. Give that a shot.


ok, did that but nuttin'......went into my computer and had me try and pick a file, which I did....then went ahead and posted....what now???hehe