My clown fish has ick!!! Please help!!


Well, I just saw my little fish today and he is covered. I now know what is going on with him. He has ick!!
I don't have a QT tank set up yet and I'm afraid that all my other fish are already exposed. I have a protein skimmer so I am hoping it will pull the ick off, before the fish get infected.
What can I do? I've read some people use hyposalinty and copper treatment. What is best. Should I treat the whole tank?
If I raised the temperature will it kill the ick? How much should I raise it.
Please help


they cant handle it
only fish can handle that low of a salinity....only fish....
so everything else dies or gets really freakin stressed...probably will die if you hypo correctly for the right amount of time.... so if you dont care about the hermits, and snails, try to DONATE them to your LFS...just give em away...they're not anything really, but dont just kill them...thats a fish can handle it..its even my understanding that some fish cant even handle, only meaty fish? i dunno....