the girl charges the boy and he does a seizure dance theyre in love :)
C calvertbill Guest Nov 26, 2007 #2 Originally Posted by Krista921 the girl charges the boy and he does a seizure dance theyre in love Sounds like a clear-cut case of daterape to me.
Originally Posted by Krista921 the girl charges the boy and he does a seizure dance theyre in love Sounds like a clear-cut case of daterape to me.
perfectdark Active Member Nov 26, 2007 #3 Its not love yet... just declaring domiance. The one doing the shaking is telling the other that they are submissive. Eventually they will co-exist and have an understanding or if your lucky enough team up and be a mated pair.
Its not love yet... just declaring domiance. The one doing the shaking is telling the other that they are submissive. Eventually they will co-exist and have an understanding or if your lucky enough team up and be a mated pair.