my clown hates my cooking...


i just recently purchased a tank raised true perc. I have a couple of clowns before this one, but have never seen one so picky with food. I have thrown everything I have got in my food arsenal and he still wont eat. I usually feed everything in my tank "Formula One" and "Prime Reef" frozen food by Ocean Nutrition. However, all he does is put a little in his mouth and spit up. I swear if he had a tonge he would have stuck that out too. He will take little amounts of freeze dried brine shrimp. I know clowns usually are not picky eaters so could it be that he is still getting used to the new surroundings? What else could I try before the lil guy starves?


Active Member
My TR clowns aren't big fans of frozen either. Sadly, they seem to prefer flake.
Give it a couple days, and feed nothing but the frozen. Make sure the food is warm enough, and in small enough chunks. The clown should warm up to the food when it gets hungrier.


Active Member
mine eat omega one flake and now frozen mysis shrimp. at first tho I couldn't get them to eat anything at all! that went on for about a week or so. then they started picking on the omega one flake and just recently I gave them half a cube of frozen mysis and they went right after that!


tried feeding again today and still nothing. He still just puts the food in his mouth and spits it right back out. I feel like i just went fishing in my living room and they just weren't biting...


Active Member
Mine love frozen home made food the best. My pair goes nuts when they get their meaty meal in the evening. I also feed the tank with frozen cyclopeeze bar a few times a week.


As with all fish,you should vary their diet, but cyclopeeze is a great food to get picky eaters to start eating. I also do as Spiderwoman does and feed cyclopeeze a couple times a week in between other foods.


okay i got some frozen cyclopeeze today...and well... I thought the clown was going to stir up a hurricane he was going so crazy. That stuff really works. I also threw in some formula one and he ate it all. thanks for your help guys...


I feed my clowns marine cuzine its a mixture of krill and mysis and brine shrimp I was told not to feed them the flakes I have because they cause phosphates which is not good for my corrals. Is this true? If it is true should I not vary the diet with the flakes and frozen? Right now I have a 125gallon with 2 osc clowns a torch corral and some pulsing xenia