My clown is dead: My heart is broken



First let me say that I live in Naples, Fl which was hit by the hurricane.
I evacuated and we lost power and we left the fish behind. I had an auto feeder and a battery powered pump to sustain them until the power returns.
I returned yesterday and the fish were fine. I had only lost a small piece of soft coral due to the water temps.
My water temp was low and there was a slight bit of amonia, not too bad.
I got power yesterday so I turned the light back on and over time the temp wwent back up. I went to bed with the fish and inverts and corals (except for the one) completely fine. The 2 false percs were playing and seemed to be glad the temp was back.
However, this morning, I saw only one and the one that was in there seemed to be very confused and swimnning towards the top of the glass almost as if it was trying to get to something.
I couldnt find the other one and noticed later he had been on the floor. He must have jumped out. ( I dont have a top on my tank ).
The other one seemed to be upset that he wasnt there and wanted to be with the other fish.
I am so heartbroken, mainly for the other fish, as it seemed he/she was upset by it.
first off, is this normal? I have had these guys since July with NO issues of jumping.
Also do they get upset when one dies?
I am getting another today.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your loss. Glad to hear you made it through the storm alright though.
Yes, clowns can jump ship. Happened to me. My mated pair of percs just laid their thrid batch of eggs when the male jumped. Get some eggcrate to cover the tank top so this won't happen again.
Yes it is normal for one of a pair to be confused if it can't find the other. Breaks my heart to watch that too.
If you get another, be sure it is smaller than the existing clown to be sure you don't get two females together. There will be some infighting no matter what you do, but should subside quickly.
Hope you are doing water changes for your ammonia levels.
Sorry for you loss and good luck!


That's sad I had that happen to two great looking true perc's. One jumped out of the back corner that wasn't covered. I found it on the floor all dried up. Since I havn't found one that even looks close. They were about half black half orangewith there stripes. I miss the other one.


Active Member
sorry too here that!
i took one of my little clowns out today and they are both really close too each other the thing i found weird is when the other clown new that his lil buddy was gone it was going on the surface trying too fight the glass with its mouth and it too almost jumped out i found this stuff really weird though.