My Clown just doesn't like his new home


New Member
I've had my clown since it was almost an inch, and that was about a month or so ago. Recently about a week ago i bought a BTA for its home. I searched long and hard, also very patiently so i could narrow out a healthy anemone. As it ens up in the store the anemone appeared to be about 3 to 4 inches, lucky for me it relaxed and expanded to about 6 maybe 7 !! :D . My problem is now that the moving around is over and its finally got a good plant in, the clown STILL wants NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! Nothing works. I even moved the reef around a lil bit to confuse the clown, and still nothing. Ive even taken the clown out for a day and set him in my quarantine tank and moved rocks around and still nothing! What do i do? :confused:


Active Member
Many tank bred clowns will never take to an anemone. Mine have been in my tank with my rose BTA for over a year and have never paid attention to it.
A trick that has worked for some is at night, shine a small flashlight at the anemone so it is the only thing lit in the tank. Keep it there every night for a few weeks. For some, this will draw the clown to it. Didn't work for mine, but I still love my little clowns anyway!!!


double0norm...What kind of clown do you have? Is a BTA the correct anemone for that species of clown to pair up with?


Active Member
As stated above sometimes clowns never accept an anemone as a host..... truth is, they don't need one to be happy and thrive. Mine have accepted a hammer as host and love it, but the bottom line is, they don't need a host at all. :D


i don't think my 2 clown will ever host my rbta and i learn to accept that, as long as their healthy and happy, its cool with me. :yes:


Active Member
i have 2 RBTA originally it was one but it split into 2 about 6 months ago,
when i first put the single one in the tank i had a tomato clown that had been in the tank for about a year without having an anemone to call home i had 2 long tentacle anemones but he wanted nothing to do with them...
as soon as i put the RBTA in the tank he was all over it within 2 minutes now that there is 2 of them that have set up home on opposite sides of the tank it is fun to watch him jump back and forth between the 2 anemones. whats even better is that it looks like one of the anemones is going to split again.
its kinda wierd that clown fish have preferences