my clown looks like its shaking... wat does that mean?

brad pitt

i have 2 clowns. the big one sometimes charges towards the small one. the small one starts shaking. it looks weird. it happens a lot. what are they doing? should i take the big one out?


This is normal behavior. If I'm not mistaken it has something to do with mating (don't quote me on this) But totally normal. The female (larger) might even bite the male (smaller) one and pull it into whatever coral it's hosting.

brad pitt

wow so does that mean i have a mated pair of clownfish???
there not constantly around each other but they sometimes hang out with each other, like they get real close and swim together.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I have an interest in this as well. I have a smaller false perc clown and a larger yellowstripe maroon clown. Before I get the boo-hiss sound, just so you know I watched them VERY carefully when I added the Maroon, and they get along fine. Only sometimes my Maroon will do this charging behaviour towards the false perc, and the perc will do the exact same little shaking maneuver! I doubt that they're trying to mate, so what gives? Maybe the shaking is a submissive gesture, but it's surprising given that these two animals don't even share the same genus.
Most of the time both clowns are actually buddy-buddy. Only time the maroon gets snarky is when the perc cruises by the rose anemone.....also known as the maroon's personal love nest.


Originally Posted by novahobbies
Actually, I have an interest in this as well. I have a smaller false perc clown and a larger yellowstripe maroon clown. Before I get the boo-hiss sound, just so you know I watched them VERY carefully when I added the Maroon, and they get along fine. Only sometimes my Maroon will do this charging behaviour towards the false perc, and the perc will do the exact same little shaking maneuver! I doubt that they're trying to mate, so what gives? Maybe the shaking is a submissive gesture, but it's surprising given that these two animals don't even share the same genus.
Most of the time both clowns are actually buddy-buddy. Only time the maroon gets snarky is when the perc cruises by the rose anemone.....also known as the maroon's personal love nest.

The shaking is the submissive behavior in male clowns. Not so for other kinds of fish. Your two will not be a pair. As you maroon becomes a female you will see her get more aggressive with the false perc.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
The shaking is the submissive behavior in male clowns. Not so for other kinds of fish. Your two will not be a pair. As you maroon becomes a female you will see her get more aggressive with the false perc.
So, in other words, the false perc is probably Male, the maroon may be male or female, but likely male. As they mature and change genders, the Maroon may be more inclined to go perc-fishing?
OK. I have a 37 gallon prepped. May change my fish inventory to include the perc and nip the problem in the bud. I knew that clowns had a habit of changing sexes, I did NOT know that the females may be more agressive!
Just what I need, another agressive female..... sigh.....