my clown


New Member
I have a 29 gallon with 1 maroon clown, 2 hermits, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 emeral crab, 1 sally light foot crab and a coral beauty dwarf angel. My maroon clown goes into the same area of the tank and pushes sand away and grabs some with his mouth and spits it out. I tried to rearange the rocks so he wouldnt do this but he goes about doing it again. he gets along good with the coral beauty and sometimes the coral beauty goes down in his spot with him. What is going on with my clown fish? Is it normal?


i have two maroons. the female does this all the time. a lot of people have seen there maroons do this. I would not worry about it. And don't feel the need to rush out and get an anemone that will prob die anyway


I had a freshwater tank for many years, and raised Cichlids. They would move rocks and burrow. I am guessing this is the same situation with the clown. He/She is just making a home/nest. I would take it as a good sign that the clown is not feeling threatened and making a home for its self.. I would not disturb the nest/home, the fish may feel less stressed IMO...


New Member
I have a tomato clown that does this all the time, he is constantly picking up singular pieces of the substrate and moving them to the other side, I find it hilarious. We have a long tentacle anenome that he loves, it seems like he is making a better home for the anenome.

lil' fish

New Member
Do you have anenomes because if you don't he will make his home in the sand like a dome or cave or something. :)