My Clownfish attacks me!!!


New Member
I have this one particular fish, a percula clownfish that just either really likes me or just thinks i taste good ;). Whenever I have my hands in the tank to clean or arrange polyps and corals, it chases my hand around and has began to nip at me. Never hurts me but deffinately scares me. The fish are fed regularly and none of my other fish seem to be interested in my hand. My boyfriend was over one day when I had my hands in the tank and saw what I am talking about. He put his hand in the tank and nothing happened, yet when I put my hand in the tank as well, my clownfish went after my hand and not his. I alway make sure I wash my hands before working on my tanks so I am not sure why she attacks me :confused:
Any ideas why???


Active Member
I have a seabae that does the same thing. Freaks me out when I dont expect it.
1 time the little guy took a little skin from my pinky finger. OUCH!!


New Member
twoods~ No battle scars here, thank god!
Slothy~ I am sure you are right about her defending her home, yet why wouldn't she go after my boyfriends hand?...just mine?


It's normal behaviour (and yes, that wham when you aren't expecting it will get your attention).
My problem is the yellow tang that I have that does the same thing. That's a little more than a wham, and I now understand why none of the fish in the tank will screw with it.


Active Member
Yep, I'd say she is defending her home, we have a Clarkii that does the same thing to my husband, she never bothers me. I get the giggles when ever he says he is going to do something in the tank, you should see me when she goes after him, I about giggle myself silly. :D Lisa


Staff member
Yes, clowns really have personalities. My tomato nips at me too whenever I go near its territory...the exception, of course, being during feeding time. The fish knows the difference!
On the other hand, I had a large female percula who actually enjoyed cuddling in my hand. This fish also took to a hippo tang, refusing to give the 2 male perculas she had at her disposal the time of day.