My clownfish changed colors!!!


So I traveled over the holidays and bought a timer for my light on my tank. Well my roomy called and told me the timer wasnt working ( and he was leaving town the next day) so I had him leave the lights on, rather then keep them off for over a week (fear of losing my corals). I have t5 lights, but low output and I have most soft corals. Anyways. I returned last night (8 days later, and my aquacultured perc clowns are maroon on the top, and the original bright organge on the bottom. I know this is not a healthy thing, but has anyone else experienced this? Will the original color come back? I am a newbe and I hope I didnt just cause my first fish death
I have pictures I will post later tonight when I get home.


Active Member
Typically color changes in clowns come with maturity and diet. Has their diet changed while you were gone? Not being fed as much maybe? Stress maybe a factor if their schedule was changed abrubtly and sometimes fish can darken with stress.