My clownfish hate eachother:(


It seems as if the female dislikes my male. He is not allowed anywhere near the annenome and is chastized to the front upper corder of the tank. He hangs out by the powerhead almost all day :(
Did I not choose a compatible companion? (The male was the first fish i got, He is a false perc. The female a true.)? Why cant they just get along? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


They probably should have been added at the same time, that wuold have helped. Now however I fear one will have to go--will the one at least come out from his powerhead to eat??
Otherwise too bad you'll just HAVE to get another tank :D

mr . salty

Active Member
Clownfish are very territorial.Especially when an anemone is added.It's hard to get two of them to get along at all,much less two diferent kinds.Also how big is your tank??I had a couple in my 130 gallon that would NOT get along at all.Sometimes it just doesn't work.


MY fish were not added at the same time but the ostrisized one is the one added first. My little guy is perfectly healthy though just not happy. My tank is only a 46 so that is probably why.