my clowns hate the anemone why?

new salt guru

New Member
I have two clowns who dont even go near the anemone i purchased for them. they are a breeding pair and they keep digging a hole in the reef sand in the front of the tank . should i look for a new anemone and toss this one?


how long have you had it?i would just give them awhile mine took about 2 weeks to go into the anenomie it was like they didnt realize it was even there...

new salt guru

New Member
about 3 days, they are ready to drop the eggs and dug a huge hole 2 feet from the anomone. wierd! i think my fish are a little slow.


Active Member
It can take the clowns months before the accept the anemone .Clowns don`t dig a hole to "drop" their eggs . They lay eggs on a somewhat flat surface laterally .


also if they are tank raised they may not know what the anemone is yet since most of them have never been a tank with an anemone.