My coral is "splitting"?

reef diver

Active Member
IT looks like my coral is splitting off a branch. I cant remember the name of the coral, but he looks like a tree, but he is a soft coral. The branch in question along with the rest of the coral appears to be in great shape, polyps are open. And it is full and "plump" a line has appeared around the base of the branch. What is happening.


My kenya Tree just did that, it dropped off 5 branches which I moved to other parts of the tank and they have reattached. It is a form of Asexual reproduction.

reef diver

Active Member
How should i move the coral, I want to move the whole thing, it came on a piece of shell that is really hard to position, because it wobbles and falls off all the time, I have a great spot, but I dont want to hurt it.