My corals are growing.


Active Member
Im doing something right my corals are growing and doing really well. Expecially my green stars lol they have already started spreading I cant wait to see what this rock looks like covered in them. I gotta get some more glue a few peices of come unglued but it was my first time glueing and I am happy with what came from it.
Pic #1 is of the little green star polyp starts its kinda blurry but there small hard to get a pic.
Pic #2 is my kenya tree when I got it it was only 3 heads and now it has 5 and has alot more little ones!!
Pic #3 My green finger leather it looks white in the pic but its got a green tint. It took it awhile to come around but it is now starting to stand up and it has grown big it has gone from around 3 inches to about 5 so far.
Pic #4 Im not sure what these are I have seen them alot in ppls tanks "anyone know" they look like umbrellas and have gotten alot bigger.
Pic #5 Its called pulsing anthelia looks alot like xenia but its diffrent somehow up close it kinda looks like pink xenia with silver on the ends. It has started getting more lush and bigger.



Active Member
This time I got a couple of group shots so I dont have as many pics.
Pic #1 is my toadstool he is doing really well he is wedged in alittle spot on his own with his tentichles extended. When I got the corals I was worried about these the most.
Pic #2 This is group photo #1 On the left you see my brown toadstool with green tips. He has been moved around since I got him trying to find a good spot he seems to let me know by falling over on his side. He is like a person he has his on personality he will lean over and then stand back up like he is playing. Now he is in his own spot he dont do that as mutch. The purple stick in the middle is called a purple Plum he is doing really good I have even noticed some growth on the 4 branches. He looks kinda brown that is his polyps extended out to catch food. Then there in the background is zome green zoos really pretty when I first got them some turned white from shipping but they seem to be doing ok and seem to be coming out of it though some are still white.
Pic #3 is group photo #2 There in the middle there is my other finger leather he gets really tall during the day and I have noticed more heads growing off him latley (when he is extended). On the left is a mix of pink and green eye zoos. On the right is some green eye with pinkish purple around them. In the back is some green polyps there doing really well and look like there growing out of the rock.
Pic #4 is my whole tank you can see most of the fish and some of my corals stand out. When I got them these were all small frags and have gotten alot bigger I have some sun polyps but there not open right now but I do have some pics somewhere I will find them there very pretty open they got fed last night so there happy lol.



Active Member
looks great! i picked up two small frags myself today for 5 bucks each!! A green star polyp that is yet to open after 30 mins :scared: but i will give it some more time. and also somethign else that i am not sure..... The guy said he thought it was a toadstool, which would be amazing, but it doesnt have any polyps. im thinking maybe a finger leather also!
but anyways, i think the ones where you dont knwo what they are are green button polyps, i may be wrong though


Active Member
Toadstools dont have polyps they have little fingers. Leather fingers are differnt also. Do you have any pics?


Active Member
i do not, i wish i had a camera though... well.. my friend jsut gave me his video camera that he spilt gatorade on while we where mountain bikeing........ but it still has the camera option. I jsut need a realy cheep memory card and i will have one!
sorry... i didnt mean polyps. i meant the fingers.
yeah, it doesnt look like a toadstool. It is only an inch long so far though. I asked the guy what type of leather it was and he goes "oh i dont know, probably a piece of a toadstool". But it is not round or anything or has any little "fingers" lol. It is almost branching There is one main cone sticking up and it lookes like 2-3 more starting on the sides. It might be a finger, it might now, we shall see. And i cant get mad at the guy for not knowing what it was because i knew it was a leather and i had enough light for it. and hey, it was only 5 bucks!


Active Member
Thanks. Dont mean to be rude but do I know you?
And you cant be $5. I bought all my frags as 2 seperate lots from an auction site from the same person. Cost $160 frags alittle over 20 total price 6.95 per frag.


Active Member
i would love to get tons of little frags and jsut watch them grow like that! i think it would be fun! and also a lot less expensive! haha
do you know me? or the other person?
but i actualy havent looked at any corals on auction sites, i may check it out sometime. maybe i can get a little toadstool because i am now positive that mine is not.


Active Member
I know you not the other person. Its fun to watch them grow. With only PC lights I have noticed growth in just about all my corals even my purple plum is starting to grow.


Active Member
awsome. you have the odyssea right? i believe you were the one who turned me on to them.
anyways, i like them. Dont have two plugs but tahts not a big deal. i do need to get a new reflector though. My filter came with two little things in the return sections that would make water pop up all over the tank so now it is rusty :mad: i replaced them with 445 degree elbows though, so its better. But even though my 192 watts in my 40 breeder are doing very well, it is always tempting to get more light. maybe halids after i save up the money or even another PC or T5 setup to go along WITH my PCs. Or maybe ill jsut leave them. Something will be worked out. lol
anyways, it looks great. ill definatly have to try buying frags in bulk on some site.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snipe
I know you not the other person. Its fun to watch them grow. With only PC lights I have noticed growth in just about all my corals even my purple plum is starting to grow.
im also having great success with 130wt pc over my 40g tank


Active Member
I used the acrylic reflector that came with my light. It may distort the light alittle but still worth protecting the bulbs and such. (it has 2 fans in there so it stay cool to the touch anyway). Now im working on LED's. I got them today but Radio Shack sold me the wrong ones so im looking online. Found some for $10 with free shipping so we will see I guess. My dad gets to help wire a new plug in for the LED's.
It is very tempting to upgrade lighting but as for what I want my lights are fine though someday I might try to venture SPS.
Great to know Cow didnt you get odyssea lights also? They only have one plug but are excellent lights.