My corals


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My corals are almost done acclimating I will have lots of pics in about 15 to 30 mins!!


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Sorry guys last night after I got done getting them were they needed to be it was to late. And this morning I was taking pics and my cam went dead so now im done and have pics to share :D !!! Just a warning sorry about some of the pic quality it was hard to get some of them since there frags.
1st pic is of some zoos there really pretty with there red and green center.
2nd pic is of another zoo with green/yellow outer ring and a blueish tent center.
3rd pic is of a pulsing anthelia
4th pic is another zoo green outerring and orange center.
5th pic is some more zoos outer ring green iner ring orange and green.



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A few more.
1st pic is my green finger leather.
2nd pic is my tan toadstool it was open but in the pic it isnt.
3rd pic is my small kenya tree frag.
4th pic is my green polyps.
5th pic is my these have barley started to open so I havent seen there color yet.



Active Member
1st pic is my tan finger leather.
2nd pic is my Sun polyps they have opend slightly but they close back up.
3rd pic alright this is tricky lol. There is the twig it is called a purple plume, there is some zoos in the background with two types of zoos brown with green center and purple with green center. To the right you see my sally lightfoot crab and my brown toadstool he ist starting to open.
4th pic is my Green polyps they just barley come out and go back in I guess they havent adjusted yet.
5th pic is my Red with green tip star polyps they havent come out yet either.



Active Member
1st pic is my Fav zoo red with silver center there pretty small yet but there out and about.
2nd pic is a double one also. The one on the left has 2 zoos on it green with neon green center and green with purpleish pink with orange center. The one on the right is green purple green.
3rd pic its a frag of the 2nd pic one on the left.
4th pic is full tank shot
I will start the next row diffrent since it is my corals under actinics.


Active Member
1st pic is a double one also. The one on the left has 2 zoos on it green with neon green center and green with purpleish pink with orange center. The one on the right is green purple green.
2nd pic is my Fav zoo red with silver center there pretty small yet but there out and about.
3rd pic its a frag of the 2nd pic one on the left.
4th pic is full tank shot
I will start the next row diffrent since it is my corals under actinics.



Active Member
Some of my corals under actnincs I only have 2 sets since not all of my corals glow under actinic lighting.



looks like it's time for a camera upgrade

lots of corals .. i'd love to see em open


Active Member
Well it was really hard to get good pics with only actinics the flash kept trying to come on and it was really blurry as you can see. I coulda got better pics if I had a magnifying glass but I dont.


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I am going to get a chopper this monday so I can start to try and feed my sun polyps if they dont take to it im gonna have to sell them so they wont die. When I get back from camping I hope to see many many replies!!! lol. Anyway when I get back I will get a magnifying glass and get some close up pics.


Active Member
A few new pics of the opend or expanded corals. This time there alittle better though 1 or 2 are fuzzy just because the zoos are small on that rock and the slightest move dose it lol.
1st and 2nd pic is of my sun polyps looks like there gonne be just fine after holding some food over them they opend right up and started eating. As you can see my yellow tail damsle thought food to but I ran him off and gave them some to.
the 3rd is green with yellow and red with silver centers.
the 4th is purple with green center zoo.
5th is what I was told was kenya tree but after debating with some guys on another forum we think is xenia. What do you think?



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Here are the last 4 these have my finger leathers in them also they have gotten quite abit bigger.
1st I believe he called this either a brown or tan finger leather.
2nd This is my green finger leather its getting big I think im gonna have to turn the rock around so it wont lean lol.
3rd is my green polyps.
4th is green outer a whitish yellow ring in the middle and a blueish center.



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I forgot to add I left some of these pics original size so you can see all the color on my rocks now. It has been 5months since my cycle and my 5lbs of live rock has been added I have lots of color now.


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Very cool Snipester!! Congrats to you!!! Dont ya just love that feeling of unpacking them and going through the acclimation, then Finally getting them in your tank!! Great bunch of corals.


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Thanks blemmy that is always the best part. The only downfall from getting it from that certain person is it had lots of algae on the rocks bubble and hair. It also had dead plants. But the rocks also had a bristle worm and featherduster.
Ljn0221 YGM


Active Member
There all fully opend today. My stars polyps are out. And my silver zoos are out "wanted them out the most". Everything has opend and or expanded and its really nice corals. Besides the algae it was worth it!! I actually got like 23 corals instead of 20 for $141 shipped!!! Really good price for such a diversety of corals.


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how is your purple sea plume? are they difficult to take care of? I'm thinking of getting one and would like to get all the info I can, thanks.