My corals


New Member
I am wanting my leathers and mushrooms to GROW what do you all suggest, and be able to thrive for me to buy a bigger tang for the corals (since they have grown). 125gal 250+ lr,ls 2 power compacts and 1 5500K/400w metal halide prism with the compact light in the fixture, feeding DT's phytoplakton everyother morning before work. Kent's stroninum, and liquid calcium. What am I not doing or should I be doing.
Thanks,every and all replay are greatly appreciated and GOD Bless YOU!!!


Active Member
What is the Kelvin rating of the PC lights? Why only 1 MH bulb, they only cover about 2' of tank area effectively. What is the tanks alkalinity, nitrate and phosphate readings?


New Member
well the MH was on clearance and only 1 was left by the time I got there and I was hesitant. how do i test phosphates,and alkalinty.nitrates was about 40 before I did a water change on saturday and put new nitrate sponge in the sump.


Phosphates has it's on test kit. Alkalinity usually comes with some PH test kits or you can get one by itself.


Active Member
Sponges are junk, you need to prevent nitrate buildup.
Your choices are 5" DSB(deep sand bed) or 4" plenum system or refugium and water changes.


New Member
I have about a 4" inch maybe 5" DSB already but no refugium (dont know really how to do one with the space I am limited to.)I do have a phosphate kit and it read about 1 which was a little dark blue.
Hey tanglover, sorry the last one didn't post. I don't know what happened. Since you're the first person on this board I've seen from Indiana, I thought I'd ask if there were any LFS you might recommend there is Indy. There isn't much here in Bloomington and the only place I've been in Indy is Uncle Bill's. Do you go someplace else? Thanks