My damsel is too aggressive.


I am currently cycling my tank, and had 3 damsels, a blue, a 3 stripe, and a domino. The domino has now killed the blue, and I'm worried for my 3 stripe since he is a lot smaller than the domino. My problem is that none of my LFS want him back and, I don't know anyone with a tank that would want him... so I'm kinda stuck at the moment. I read in all kinds of fish books about "removing problem fish" but where do people remove them to? Any ideas? I don't wanna have to put a hit out on him, but he is a terror, and I fear he will continue to be a problem with any new fish I add from here on out.
I dont want 2 or 3 or even 5 fish to suffer because i got one bully in the tank.... and I dont want to dedicate a 30g tank to one fish thats like 2 inches long.


Active Member
that is the problem with damsels, and most lfs's although they will not take them back, push them for cycling, and would not have them in their own home community tanks
but i doubt he will settle down, all you can do is try to find soeone who will take him, jsut call around to more stores, even if they will take him, jsut to give him away, wihtout offering credit, ti would be best to get rid of him, even if you have to give him up for free
I cycled w/ damsels & didn't have any aggression. I had 12 for a while, and then eventually got rid of all but 3. My lfs was pretty cool about it. For every damsel I brought back, I got $1.00/ea for a new fish.