My DIY nano sump are these ok plans?


I can't say how much I appreciate this forum I am a completely new comer to this hobby not to mention the DIY part of this hobby so thanks!!
I have a biocube 14 and here are my plans to make a sump. I have a couple questions that go along with the (poorly drawn) diagrams!
So around where the water usually is in the first chamber I am going to drill a 1/2 inch hole. (Do I need to make an overflow box, if so how? Do i need a pump to get the water down into my sump?) Have PVC connected that hole running down to the 10g sump under my Display tank and flowing directly into my CPR CITR in-tank refuge which will have a whole bunch of chaeto in it and many holes for maximum flow out but to keep the chaeto from going back up into the Display tank. I am going to have about 5lbs of Live rock, 10-20lbs of live sand, in the live sand I want to plant a bunch of mangroves, mermaid fan plants, shaving hair brush plants and other beneficial algae than will stay put. Then at the top of the tank near the water line my return pump. What kind of pump do you think i'll need, how powerful? Which will go up in 1/2 inch PVC into a 1/2inch hole in the back of the third chamber as high as possible and will connect with the stock return powerhead back into the main tank. Hopefully this works out but i need help i dont no what to do
Thanks again everyone and have a happy and safe New Years!!


small triggers

Active Member
you can do the hole in the back of your cube....youll need it to be just a little below the water line (incase you have a power outtage this way all the water wont drain out of your tank, just enough to break the siphon) It may be easier to BUY an external overflow so you arent drilling into your tank back but then youd have to take the hood off???(just an idea) and as far as the return pump you could raise it off the bottom of the sump/fuge a little, but you arent going to want it near the top of the water or you will constantly get a sucking noise and micro bubbles. what would be the easiest to keep everything where you want it is to install some baffles into the sump/fuge. As far as pump size, you need to account for the height from the sump/fuge back up (headloss) and how much flow you want going though the sump/fuge and tank (10x or 15x is average unless you have some LPS and SPS that like higher flow then it needs to be 20-40x) so with a 14g DT and a 10g sump/fuge youll have 24g of water to move,,,,,youd want somthing in the area of 240-800 ish in output....


Thanks you so much for your help and suggestions!! I'll look into the pumps, I no it would be easier but I like to try and do it myself, its much more gratifying! Also should I use a protein skimmer in my sump too? One more thing, now that I have 24 gals (really only like 17-20 gal with the LS and LR) should I bump up my weekly water changes (I do 2-3 g changes)? What livestock should I put in my sump (sandshifters, other inverts?) Thanks again for everything!!


oo damn i was one my bros name haha we both have cubes, mine is better tho ill post some pics to show! hopefully he wont see i was on!


Hey guys sorry camera is on the fritz but I bought 20lbs of ls and a couple lbs of lr (covered in coralline!!!) I put it all together with a small 10g filter and penguin powerhead the water is real murky now but tomorrow ill update with pics! I should be ordering the mangroves/mermaids fan plant/shaving brush, should I wait until after the cycle is over to add them?


also what should I put in my tank, right now I have 10 mangrove plants and 5 shaving brush plants on their way, what else should I get, fish, inverts, ect...

small triggers

Active Member
awit until your cycle is finished or they could die....start with those, then put in any snails, crabs or other CUC you are going to,,, then wait a week or 2....and add your first fish....