My diy sump design...opinions please


Active Member
here is a sump design i came up with for my 36 gallon bowfront. i think i will use a 20L gallon tank for the sump. please tell me if i should change anything or if it seems ok. thanks.

small triggers

Active Member
looks good, have you measured out your return pump, skimmer and intake yet? thats alot of baffles for a 20g...If you have room you may want to go with a 29g or atleast a 20g Long. Also take into account you may not want any of the baffles to go all the way to the top of the sump incase you have a power outage (just a thought)


Active Member
im going with a 20 long or even a 29 like you said if it isnt too high.
havent measured the return or intake yet but i plan to
and as for a skimmer...i have alot of research to do
and ur def right about the baffles going all the way to the top...thatd be a bad mess if the siphon broke or power outage. thanks


Active Member
here is my modified design...i changed the baffles to be the same height and made one layer of filtration media for each type (mechanical, chemical, biological).
i was gonna try BioMate balls for all 3 levels of filtration...they have foam filled, carbon filled, and ceramic filled ones that i was gonna separate with eggcrate. has anyone used BioMate balls before?
oh by the way theres a typo in my drawing...the blue balls are biological...i put yellow in there twice for goes yellow=mech, black=chem, blue=bio


Active Member
im not so sure about thee baffle changes because wouldnt the 3rd baffle removed for the bubble trap make it less efficient?
I might move the media to the baffles (carbon) but im gonna keep a sponge pad of something near the intake so it filters out some stuff before going into my other chambers


Active Member
Originally Posted by mkroher
i disagree on those baffle removals
Care to explain why?
Originally Posted by gio28

im not so sure about thee baffle changes because wouldnt the 3rd baffle removed for the bubble trap make it less efficient?
I might move the media to the baffles (carbon) but im gonna keep a sponge pad of something near the intake so it filters out some stuff before going into my other chambers
Not if you have the filter media in between the other two.


Active Member
oh yeah good point that would help cut back on bubbles. im gonna buy a sponge block or something for the mechanical but i decided not to go with the BIoMate Balls anymore. what should i use for carbon and bio media?


Active Member
ok my lastest...and i hope final modification to my sump design ...i moved the baffles right after the skimmer so the micro bubbles are gone before they reach the fuge chamber. i also decided on eggcrate packing foam as the filter pads and i am gonna put my chemi pure in between the baffles so the water will flow through it better.
the only question i have is will biological bacteria also use the eggcrate packing foam filter pads? or do i need a separate media for them? im sure they will live on anything possible. i just want to make sure.
anything you see wrong with this design before i finalize it?


Active Member
The second one seems good. Have you measuered your all of the things to make sure it will all fit and still have plenty of room?


Active Member
yea the pump will fit and the skimmer (ASM mini g) will also fit. the skimmer has a few inches and the pump will as well.
for the fuge i want as much space as possible as well. i dont know how many inches the DSB should be? any ideas? and what types of algae are the best for nutrient export a lowering nitrates?